Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum means Rum valley, named by the village located in it’s heart, the place having been occupied since ancient times (under the name of “Ram”).

The name of Wadi Rum then extend to the whole surrounding desert, those impressive sand stone rocks, sculpted by erosion.

Since the end of the nineties, Wadi Rum also means “Wadi Rum Special Regulation Zone”, or “Wadi Rum Protected Area” (which has become quite unproper lately) : a surface of 720 km2, beginning south of the Desert Highway – Diseh road, until southern Wadi Sabet, enclosing the most beautiful mountains.

Quite modest in dimensions, but incredibly rich in marvels, the Wadi Rum desert is unique in the world, deserving a stay of 2 or 3 days or more, especially for those who love walking.

Narrow siqs (canyons), wide wadis (vallees), impressive jebels (mountains) with so many goat paths.. and everywhere astonoshing landscapes !

Hot in summer and cold in winter, with wide amplitudes between sun and shadow, the air is always dry, without any kind of morning humidity disturbing when sleeping under the stars.

Sleeping outside happens to be possible all year long (except during some extremely strong wind time, happening mostly at the end of winter), thanks to our heavy and warm covers still locally handmade.

Much more than a site to visit, Wadi Rum is a place to live in, adopting a particular rythm, adapted to seasons : long winter evenings spent around a huge woodfire, drinking hot tea, talking and joking, confortably sheltered in a beautiful cave of the rock (these many natural caves being so typical of Wadi Rum desert, and so welcoming !), whose coloured walls are being illuminated by the dancing flames.. sweet summer midday resting hours, when, lazily lying in the fresh shadow of a high stone cliff, we listen to the many birds who live there.

Next: Bedouin life